Friday, April 2, 2010

An Evening of Music from France and Italy

I hope to have several new guests at our next evening of parlor music. For 30 years I taught music with these three guys. The fellow in the front is Del Dowden. He directed the Jr. High Band. The man next to me is Keith Bertoluzzi. He directed the Jr. High Chorus. The fellow on the right is Dave Beswarick. He directed the string program at East Allegheny. We are all retired now, but all still involved in music making. In fact, Keith plans to bring his alto sax and play three numbers by French composers: Faure and Ravel. If Sena Jane Thompson doesn't have her baby before the recital, she plans to play Vivaldi's "Spring" from the Four Seasons. Doug and Donna have something planned that they have been working on. Mariann and I will play a duet version of Bizet's overture to CARMEN. Although I haven't told him yet, Don and I will perform the Can-Can....I mean, we will play it, not dance it! For any of you who have never been to one of these affairs, bring either food or wine that matches the music theme, which is French and Italian. All this is scheduled for:

Saturday, April 24th at 8:00
The theme is French and Italian, so the food and wine should be outstanding!

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