Thursday, December 18, 2008

December Parlor Music

Welcome to our parlor. If you missed the December recital on the 12th, music by Russian and Norwegian composers here is a list of works we performed:

Norwegian Dance No. 2 by Grieg performed by Don and Bob

Six Variations on a Ukrainian Folksong by Kabalevsky

Excerpts from the Plolvisienne Dances by Borodine

Movt. 1 of Scheherazade (the Sea) performed by Mariann and Bob

Romance for violin and piano by Anton Rubinstein performed by Donna and Bob

Two songs by Grieg were sung by Marlene Vrscak (Springtide and I Love Thee)

Three selections from the Nutcracker Suite performed by Mariann and Bob

Many good ethnic treats filled the dining room, including kapuska, Sugar Plum cookies, some kind of beet casserole, a crab casserole, and Norwegian Pound Cake (which was outstanding as usual, Marlene).

The next recital won't be until February where we will feature the music from Spanish speaking countries.

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