Friday, September 30, 2011

Parlor Music in October

We have a nice program planned for our October music party. Yana Tyoulkova is preparing for a piano recital at WVU in November, so she is happy to preview some of it for us. A little Bach, a work by Kapusta, and a Sonata by Chopin will open our program. Terry and I will play a movement from Debussy's Petite Suite. Donna will play "Berceuse" by Godard. Curtis may play Apres un Reve by Gabriel Faure. Curtis or Keith, or maybe both will play Ken Danchik's arrangements of several works by Chopin for flute and keyboard, Rick Duffy may sing the Toreador song from Carmen if he can find a long stemmed rose, Mariann and I may play a Polka, and Don will celebrate TGIF as he takes up where he left of as a two-fisted drinker! The theme for the evening is French and Polish! See you on Friday, Oct. 21st at 8:00. No Czernia please!!!