Friday, October 22, 2010

An Evening of American Classical music

Circle the date: Friday, November 19th for the next music party at the Farrell's. It's been hard trying to find a time when all the performers can make it, but now we have a date. You can expect to hear four pieces by Aaron Copland for piano and violin:

Billy & His Sweetheart (from Billy the Kid)
The Little Horses (from Old American Songs)
Ching-a-ring chaw (from Old American Songs)
Hoe-Down (from Rodeo)

An "Arabesque" for two violins and piano written by me ( in my younger years.)

Three preludes by Dave Brubeck

In honor of Don and Doug's new cats, I'll play "Kitten On The Keys" by Zez Comfrey

Some Sousa, Joplin (Scott, not Janis) and perhaps an arrangement of "Laura" by Marian McPartland, and who knows what else.

If you've never been to one of our music parties, we ask all to bring either a bottle of wine, dessert, or some good food to compliment the nationalities of the composers. This time it's AMERICAN! That should be easy. No hot dogs please. No Thunderbird, please.

We meet at 8:00 to eat and socialize for an hour before the music begins. Then dessert and coffee afterward. If anyone needs directions, email me at We'd like to invite more of our friends, but we have to keep the number under 20, so please RSVP by either phone or email.

The only thing that will cancel the party is 24 inches of snow!