Friday, November 13, 2009

An Evening of Music from Russia and Eastern Europe

Circle Friday, December 18th on your calander for an evening of music
from Russia and Eastern Europe.

For those new to our recitals, we try to compliment our composers with food from their countries. Right now, I'm thinking beets...cabbage....saurkraut.............turnips....Vodka................................Duck blood soup......perogies.....halushki.......stuffed caggage rolls... and capuska! We all seem to come up with wonderful things to eat and drink. If you can't cook, bring a bottle of wine! Cheese balls and crackers are always welcomed. Listed below are a few of the potential compositions you might hear:
Two by Chopin, and one by Mikhail Glinka
Arabesque by Anton Arensky
Prelude by Dmitri Kabalevsky
Four pieces for piano and violin by Shostakovich
Roumanian Folk Dances for violin and piano by Bela Bartok
An art song by Rimsky Korsakov - "The Rose Has Charmed The Nightingale."
Slavonic Dance No. 2 by Antonin Dvorak
Tango by Biljana Krstic
A few selections from the Nutcracker by Tchaikovsky
A duet of Sleigh Ride and Jingle Bells
Several Czech, Croatian, and Polish Carols
FOOD NEWS! I just heard from my sister Annie who will be bringing several people from the Beaver Falls area. she plans to bring stuffed cabbage! Her friend, Carolyn, whose family is from Croatia, emailed that she already knows what she is bringing. It's something her grandmother made called mlince, fried sweet donuts. Marie said that she has her mother's recipe for haluski, made with cabbage and dumplings, rather than noodles. Marie also plays piano and plans to perform something.